As I type this there is news that one of our number has been silenced, sad though predictable I suppose given the disproportionate resources of the two protagonists.
But no matter the outcome of this little skirmish, the big guns will never stop enquiring minds seeking the truth about this despicable travesty, nor will they wash away the mire that coats and surrounds these two loathsome creatures that are desperate to suppress the truth surrounding there shabby and sordid activities.
The closing of one website will not close enquiring minds and the greater the efforts to protect the guilty parties in this abomination will only result in more and more questions being asked.
I made mention some few days ago of the many fold increase in Google traffic searching for answers to these questions, perhaps I should make a list, but ironically the latest Google enquiry, not some few minutes ago and not specific to this blog, was for this:
kate mccann body language
I reiterate, this is but one of the many varied questions that I and other bloggers are seeing via the search engines and in numbers far exceeding the norm.
Threats will not stop people thinking, threats will not stop questions being asked, and threats will not stop those that seek justice for Madeleine McCann from speaking out.
~ ~ ~
Info deleted kiddywinks, it would appear that the work I quoted is so precious to the owners that they do not wish to share it with us.RE: NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We act on behalf of Sharman Networks, Ltd. (the "Owner").
As required under Sections 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. ??512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3)), we are instructed to place you on notice that:
1. The Owner is the exclusive owner of the copyrights in and to the Kazaa Media Desktop software, the kazaa.com website and the text, artwork, logos and photographs appearing therein (singly and collectively, the "Kazaa Material"); and
2. Utilizing the search query, "kazaa," at www.google.com, the following search results and sponsored links (the "Infringing Material") contain unauthorized copies of the Kazaa Material or unauthorized derivative works of the Kazaa Material which infringe the Kazaa Material and the exclusive rights of the Owner:
a. www.kazaa-gold.com
b. http://kazaavip.com/index.asp?siteid=kazaavip&ad=google&key=googlekey
c. www.kazaalite.tk
d. doa2.host.sk
e. www.kazaa-lite.tk
f. http://www.kazaa-lite.info
g. home.hccnet.nl/h.edskes/mirror.htm
h. www.kazaa-france.com